Shi misses Ed in BJ

Friday, May 18th, 2007 (Posted 16 years, 11 months ago)

Time flies! I left London for two weeks ago already. Ed says the weather is not as nice as last month when we were buried in essays. In Beijing, the sand storm from Inner Mongolia made the city dry and windy. I was stuck at home, writing about a new media artist.

I will be working in Beijing for half a year this time – such a long period after I have been living in overseas for 7 years. The crowds, the traffic, the unpleasant weather and the dramatically changed appearance of the city make me feel a bit lost. I have found it’s difficult to concentrate on things. This is also because I miss Ed so much. We are both staying alone in London and Beijing. But distance will only help our relationship to become firmer. As Ed said, difficulties can be met together and will make us stronger. Thank you Ed, my love!

4 Responses to “Shi misses Ed in BJ”

  1. admin Says:

    i miss you baby, i’ll see you soon though. <hugs and kisses>

  2. wang Says:


  3. boat Says:

    hi,dear shi, how are you?
    our degree show is going to open..from 29 June – 2 July
    one of photo in my work is you and Ed:) hope you were here! is Ed come back london? if so, please let me know his email, i will send the detail about the show.

    take care..
    miss you…


  4. boat Says:

    happy birthday, shi!
    remember the las 3 numbers of my mobile phone No. 🙂

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