Today is my dearest teacher, friend and sister nobcco‘s birthday! I wish you a very happy birthday and all your wishes will come true in 2007!
I met nobcco in Japan, who is very important to me. During my time in Japan, She inspired me to expend my appreciation of art and also helped me develop as a person. Nobcco is a beautiful Japanese lady who is also a excellent artist. She embodies the most beautiful Japanese gesture and also an absolute style leader.
I haven’t seen her since last summer we had a short meeting in Kobe. I really miss you! I have so much to tell and share with you! Hope to visited you this summer again or let’s meet up in the UK. All the best!
Thank you for the comment my dear nobcco, that’s so sweet! I am fine and doing great! We are planning to visit Japan during this summer as well, will definitely come and see you. By the way, I have added a link directly to your homepage .I hope you don’t mind? Thanks dear!
love and miss you!
3 replies on “暢子先生のお誕生日です!”
shi-chan! Thank you for mail and sorry no report.
You are my best lovely lovely sister!!!!!. I will go to Britain in August this year. I hope to meet you. Are you OK?
日本語は読めるのかな? Can you read japanese there?
メールを楽しく読みました。お返事を書きたいのだけど、英語じゃないとだめでしょう?日本語でもよければすぐに書けるけれども・・・。英語だとちょっと時間がかかります。I am sorry.