Me 情景剧


I wasn’t feeling very well today.
In order to distract me from the illness and make me feel relaxed, Ed read me a section from a classic French novel- Remembrance of Things Past written by Marcel Proust. The novel was one of Ed’s favorite reads from almost 10 years ago. There is a section in which the author introduces his grandmother; I found that it was such a beautiful expression, which reminded me of my grandmother. I would like to quote it here to share with everyone.

My poor grandmother would come in and beg her husband not to taste the brandy; and he would get angry and gulp it down all the same, and she will go out again sad and discouraged, but still smiling, for she was so humble of heart and so gentle and her tenderness for others and her disregard for herself and her own troubles blended in a smile which, unlike those seen as majority of human faces, bore no trace of irony save for herself, while for all of us kisses seemed to spring from her eyes, which could not look upon those she loved with out seeming to bestow upon them passionate caresses…

Thank you my love Ed. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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